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Writer's pictureJessi Stone

Join me for women's lunar circles

I'm a woman with big dreams.

There is so much I want to see and do in this one wild and precious life that sometimes it can be overwhelming .

I have always been a daydreamer. I dream about the house I want, the places I want to visit, the things I want to accomplish and the adventures I want to take.

But at some point we have to stop daydreaming about the life we want and we have to work to create it.

It's so scary to break down our own mental blocks and have the courage to do something new. What if I fail? What will people think? Will anyone support me on this crazy journey? Will they think I'm crazy? Will this actually work? Is it worth the time and energy?

I've asked myself all these questions in the last year as I've worked toward doing the things that bring me joy without attaching guilt to it. You know that feeling when you're doing something you love, but you have that voice in the back of your head telling you all the things you should be doing?

Yeah, that voice is always loud in my head and I've had to work on finding ways to turn up the sound of my own intuition instead of listening to that inner (or outer) critic. I've forced myself to consider questions I rarely ask myself. What if I succeed? What if I can make a difference for others? So what if people think it's stupid? So what if people don't support me?

Now I'm working on several "crazy" projects that bring me joy and that make me feel aligned with my goal of living a peaceful, mindful existence while helping other women do the same.

I've done a lot of work on my own, but now I'm at a point where I need the help of others to help me reach my goals. I've signed up to take my 200-hour yoga instructor certification through Waynesville Yoga Center starting in January 2022.

Yoga has helped me so much on my journey and I know this 10-month intensive program will push me farther personally and that it's a skill that will allow me to help others. Now I need to find a way to pay for it.

The idea of how to save some money for my certification came to me during the last full moon. I had invited 5 friends up to Waterrock Knob that night for a women's full moon circle at the end of a long week. Everyone came to that circle wound up tight, wearing their daily stresses all over their faces.

I led them in some gentle yoga stretches and a guided meditation so we could get grounded and relax away the week's tensions. We then randomly selected a journal prompt and took some time to reflect and write before sharing our thoughts with the group.

As we went around the circle sharing our fears, doubts and struggles, we realized we are not alone. We all are struggling with the same issues. We all face the same fears. We need to stop being afraid to share them with each other.

The insightful comments from my friends and the vulnerability they showed with each other was beautiful. After this exercise, we popped a bottle of wine and shared a picnic meal as we pulled tarot cards for each other. Tears, laughter, howls — truly a magical moment in time.

We didn't even care that it was so foggy we didn't get to see the sunset or the full moon. We were the only ones left in the dark parking lot by the time we were done, but we went home feeling lighter, more joyful and more connected to each other.

That was my sign. Hosting that circle brought me so much joy because it brought joy and healing to those I love. I figured if I can host these circles for others and also raise funds for my yoga certification and get some practice teaching others, well then it's just meant to be!

So, I am asking you to help me and help yourself by joining me for future women's lunar circles.

I will host a New Moon Circle on Sunday, Aug. 8, and a Full Moon Circle Sunday, Aug. 22 at Gaia Arise Farms in Bethel. I can't think of a more beautiful location to hold these circles!

These circles will be limited to 10 people. To hold your spot, Venmo me (@jessijeanstone) a donation toward my certification program and specify which date you want to reserve. I'm recommending a $20 donation per session, but please give what you can. I don't want anyone to not come because they can't afford it.

It the circle fills up before you get the chance to sign up, don't worry! I will go ahead and hold your spot for the next one or refund your donation.

Please include your email with the donation so I can send you all the details for the circle! I'm so excited for this opportunity to connect with more women and continue to grow in my own lunar living!

If you have any questions, please email me at

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